
MEU CONTACTO(responderei sempre)


terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2013

Story of a Little Kitty

The story takes place in Russia. One couple was walking down the street on a rainy day and bumped into this little kitty that was “all bruised, half-dead with plenty of fleas”. They felt very sorry for it and decided to pick it up and get it into shape. This is a photo of her first day under the roof right after she was washed.
Cute Kitty
Second day.
Cute Kitty
Cute Kitty
Cute Kitty
The couple added that their sphinx cat has never liked other animals that were in the house sometimes but with this little red kitten, he behaved as if he was her big brother.
Cute Kitty
Cute Kitty
Several days after, she finally looked like a 'real kitten'.
Cute Kitty
Her first walk, she was scared of everything.
Cute Kitty
Cute Kitty
She was a bit scared from the couple’s dog at first, before they became amazing buddies.   :  )
Cute Kitty
Cute Kitty
Cute Kitty
Cute Kitty
Cute Kitty
One month later, the couple found her good owners and gave her away. This is how she looked when she left them. They’ve done an incredible job with her!
Cute Kitty
And this is how she looks today.
Cute Kitty


6 comentários:

  1. Há animais que conseguem adoçar todos e este gatinho conseguiu. Beijinhos

  2. Que estória mais doce com um final feliz
    Beijinhos e carinhos para você e Moody de
    Verena e Bichinhos

  3. Que estória linda! A gatinha foi salva por anjos e teve direito a uma vida feliz e cheia de amor! Ela ficou muito linda quando adulta, eu adoro gatos amarelos, eles parecem pintadinhos!
    Laís e Pink


Obrigada por gostares de gatos :)
Todos os comentários são muito importantes para mim.
Ron-rons da Moody